• © copyright 2011, Robert D. Barrett

    Every Rose…

    You know? I noticed our rose bush today and decided to try out a new lens on the thing. There are no roses blooming on it at this point, however, I noticed something intrigueing. The thorns on this thing compare to baby shark teeth! And when I tried to move the vine for a better angle on it, I got bit! I wonder if it is so the deer won’t eat them and we can enjoy them a little longer? Do women want roses because they know…

  • © copyright 2011, Robert D. Barrett

    Circle of Life…

    As I stated in my first post of 2011 I decided to take time to look around. To look deeper. To Appreciate. And today as I was begrudgingly cleaning up my back yard and cussing the weeds I noticed how perfect dandelions were. They start out as seemingly beautiful yellow flowers then turn in to a sphere of trouble. By that I mean they have the potential to fill your yard in a rather short amount of time. Though I like the color yellow sometimes I do…

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    Another Season…

    I love the time when winter is easing on out and spring begins and the flowers pop up and the trees get leaves. I think green is one of my favorite colors. Blue Bonnets are popping up everywhere, as well as these yellow flowers (that I don’t know the name of – wish I did). I just take photographs of them. Bees are also buzzing about making sure the flowers keep blooming. Bees are fun to watch – though not TOO closely. I tripped once while trying…