I love photography and it is a huge part of how I keep my sanity in these troubled times.
Image Copyright © 2009, Barrett Photo Art
These seagulls all have one thing in common. They all the want the piece of bread I have in my hand. (I know – I conned them in to a photo op). Such is what I’m finding in the job market. There are now more people than ever competeting for that same piece of bread than ever before and I’m becoming frustrated.
It’s frustrating that with all the talk of job creation and “stimulous’ that WALL STREET seems to be the only one making a recovery and they are reporting that unemployment is going to get WORSE. That doesn’t seem to be what I remember being promised.
Nuff Said – back to job hunting.
Peace, Love, and We’ll Make it After the Next Election,

One Comment
Wow! What a great shot!! I love photographing seagulls, this is by far the most amazing that I have ever seen.