Storm Victim…
Well. Seems like the storm the other night got another victim. It happens more often than you think when you leave your computer on all night without the benefit a UPS (Uninterupted Power Supply). Powerstrips don’t always protect as they should and hard drives can still be damaged by not being shut down properly.
Image Copyright © 2009, Barrett Photo Art
I tried everything with this one. Once it was determined the system would not boot, I reformatted it and ran some other tools on it. It appeared to start working, however errors started occuring – data got screwey – and more bad sectors turned up.
I couldn’t trust it with data anymore so now I have this beautiful shiny hard drive, paperweight – actually I thought that “Lady Geeks” could use it as a make up mirror because it’s so clear.
I wonder if a craftsman could make me a “Geek Clock” or something like that. I already blogged about the magnet (the brass colored section in the lower left of the hard drive) that is very strong.
For now I’ll just pose the hard disk on my desk and record its image for posterity.
Peace, Love, and Rest In Digital Peace,