Favorite Things to Photograph…
I’d have to say I have many things I like to shoot. I wish I wasn’t so introverted or I’d take more people shots (other than family, they have to let me photograph them.)
I love old cars and even have one that I’ve sold a few of. It is one of my favorites that I call “Americana”.
Other than old cars there is of course airplanes! I love a good airshow especially if they have the old AND the new birds putting on the show.
I also like to take country drives. I’ll head off the highway down a County Road I’ve never been before just to see what I can see. I found a farm once and a bunch of Texas Longhorns that seemed to literally pose for me and to this day I cannot remember where I took this shot.
Then of course there’s old buildings and dirt roads…
Way out in the country it’s fun to watch a storm approaching. It’s also quiet away from the traffic and it gives me much needed quiet time. Sometimes it’s good to just go way out there in farm country, pull off the road and turn off the engine and get out and just listen. Nothing but the wind and the birds. Wish life were like that sometimes.
Storms on the beach are awesome- well- maybe not hurricanes, but you get my drift.
I’d love to shoot concerts and musicians. I had the opportunity with my church to photograph the Christian group “For King and Country” at Good Friday ATX. As far as people go musicians are my favorite. Makes for great memories!
I love birds and bugs – so I’ll leave you with a couple. I truly thank you for stopping by and sharing a little. There are thousands of pictures on Facebook and Instagram. I’ll keep bloggin’ and sharing whenever I can.
Thanks again for taking the time. If you have any suggestions drop me a comment or a line.
Peace, Love, and Living Through the Lens,