I’ve watched my children grow up and now I’m watching my grandchildren grow up. Life is so fleeting. Memories are precious. The joys of it all. Remembering the first time I went to the beach as toddler. . All the way from learning to walk; walking with my dad or mom; Parks; and learning about life. Discovering FISH! Playing with the water hose on a hot Summer day. Learning to ride a bike and discovering my freedom and mobility… Learning to fly on a swing and the…
First Day of Kindergarten…
This was made on my grandson’s first day of kindergarten. Had so much fun and surprised there was no fear in him. Family is Awesome! Peace, Love, and Togetherness,
The Lesson in Grand Kids…
I guess I have to say I’ve been blessed by some pretty special people in my life. Just when I thought I was getting old and that it was all work and no play along come the grand children to teach me to relax again. There’s nothing like the memories of hanging out… The absolute joy of success… As well as how to deal with failure…(just get back up and ride some more)… The joy of exploration and learning (don’t hide in the dryer)… How to eat…
Fear of Water…Not…
My grandson has absolutely no fear of water and will dive in if not watched. My other grandson was terrified of water at first and didn’t get use to it until 5 or so. Image Copyright © 2009, Barrett Photo Art. I remember the ocean scaring me to death. Hunter here just walks right in – splashes – dumps water on his head and laughs. He’s amazed by it. Hand him a garden hose and he’s fine. They grow so fast and so much to enjoy. Hug…
Peer Pressure…
I remember when I was young and how sometimes my mouth would override my abilities. I was taken down memory lane here recently when I watched as my grandson told a lovely little girl how he could make it across the monkey bars. He had not taken in to account his physical limitations as he had already traversed the bars several times before. But THIS time would be the one to impress the ladies. The trip that counted. The one that mattered as it would win hearts.…
Central Texas Rain…
I’m so glad it rained. There is so much to see and do after a heavy downpour (other than dry off). I noticed my grandson’s bicycle had fallen over in the storm. Image Copyright © 2009, Barrett Photo Art Now you may be thinking that’s a shadow under the bicycle but it looks like God decided to draw on my porch. Image Copyright © 2009, Barrett Photo Art There on the pavement was the perfect outline of the bicycle like Peter Pan’s lost shadow. Well, after being…
The Other Side…
I like tunnels. Or at least the perception of tunnels. The pattern that is created by looking THROUGH things…like the triangles at the park. I don’t know what the appeal is. Maybe it’s the other side. Or setting goals. Image © Copyright 2009, Barrett Photo Art I just enjoy the pattern created by some things. I mean looking under this bridge makes me want to skip a rock or just sit and watch the water reflect off the bottom. Image © Copyright 2009, Barrett Photo Art And…